Narva Keskraamatukogu kaugtöökoht  

Narva Keskraamatukogu pakub kaugtöökoha ruumi, mis on sisustatud vastavalt kaasaja nõutele.

Lisainfo ja ruumi broneerimine: tel. 3592415 või

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Kõndimise trenažööri kasutamine  

Narva Keskraamatukogus 3. korrusel 
saab kasutada trenažööri.
Trenazööri võib kasutada alates 12+

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Head raamatukogu külastajad!  

Narva Keskraamatukogu Kreenholmi raamatukogus on võimalik harjutada klaverimängu. Klaver asub raamatukogu 1. korrusel.

Eelregistreerimine: 35 69392




52901629 408680616558604 8687218852544643072 n The film is about the main “link” of Watergate, the biggest scandal of the twentieth century, which led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. The identity of the person who passed incriminating information about the head of state to the press was for a long time wrapped in mystery and revealed only 30 years later after his own confession. Based on a true story, this is a shocking and incredible account of the life of the brilliant and uncompromising FBI Associate Director Marc Felt, who sacrificed everything — his family, his career and his freedom — so that the world would know the truth.

Narva Central Library American Space and the U.S. Embassy film series.
“Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought down the White House” by Peter Landesman (2017, 103 minutes).
Monday, May 6, at 5:00 PM at Narva Central Library (Malmi 8).

The film is about the main “link” of Watergate, the biggest scandal of the twentieth century, which led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. The identity of the person who passed incriminating information about the head of state to the press was for a long time wrapped in mystery and revealed only 30 years later after his own confession. Based on a true story, this is a shocking and incredible account of the life of the brilliant and uncompromising FBI Associate Director Marc Felt, who sacrificed everything — his family, his career and his freedom — so that the world would know the truth.

Watch the movie trailer here:
Read more about the film here:

The movie screens in English with Russian subtitles.
The screening is free of charge.

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Äripäeva teabevara  

Narva linna andmekaitsetingimused
EPR logo final

Head lugejad!  

logoViivisvabalt saab raamatuid tagastada raamatukokku iga kuu esimesel esmaspäeval!

Arvutikursused algajatele  

Narva Keskraamatukogu pakub abi algajatele arvuti ja nutiseadmete kasutajatele. Konsultatsioonid on individuaalsed ning toimuvad Narva Keskraamatukogus.
Küsige julgesti abi. 

Ootame teid tööpäevadel kella 10.00-17.00.  Registreerida saab telefoni teel. 56 311 410

3-D printimise töötuba  

3d printer costKui sa tahad teada,
kuidas töötavad 3D printerid,
siis tule Narva Keskraamatukogu
innovatsioonilaborisse MakerLab tasuta töötuppa!

Helista 55 35 377


Laserlõikuri töötuba  

llKui sa tahad teada, kuidas töötab laserlõikur, siis tule Narva Keskraamatukogu innovatsioonilaborisse MakerLab tasuta töötuppa!

Helista 56 311 410
© Narva Keskraamatukogu 2022