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Уважаемые посетители библиотеки.

В рамках года движения в библиотеке, на 3 этаже, установлен тренажер для ходьбы.
Тренажером могут пользоваться лица старше 12 лет.

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Игровая комната  

В детском отделе Нарвской центральной библиотеки открылась новая игровая комната, где можно приятно провести время.

2024 07 17 11 37 43 431

482251409 697552739295897 2851241367984905070 nNarva Central Library American Space and the U.S. Embassy film series.
DreamWorks animation “Turning Red” 6+ (2022, 01:40 h). Saturday, March, 29, at 12:00 PM at Narva Central Library Malmi 8.

Toronto, Canada, 2002. Trying to juggle her burgeoning independence and the family's expectations is about to become even more complicated when 13-year-old high-achiever Mei Lee makes an eye-opening discovery. And as her hyperactive teenage hormones kick in, having a mind of their own, Mei's emotions also take on a life of their own: whenever she gets too stressed or excited about something, Mei triggers a strange, radical metamorphosis. Can Mei Lee endure puberty and the growing pains of growing up, or will she keep turning red?

Watch the movie trailer here:

Read more about the movie here:

The movie screens in Russian with English subtitles.
The screening is free of charge.
480585443 684303060620865 9097353782497152841 nNarva Central Library American Space and the U.S. Embassy film series. We are pleased to invite you to the screening of the film “The Shape of Water“18+ (2017, 02:03).
Monday, March, 3, at 17:00 PM at Narva Central Library Malmi 8.

Elisa is a mute, isolated woman who works as a cleaning lady in a hidden, high-security government laboratory in 1962 Baltimore. Her life changes forever when she discovers the lab's classified secret -- a mysterious, scaled creature from South America that lives in a water tank. As Elisa develops a unique bond with her new friend, she soon learns that its fate and very survival lies in the hands of a hostile government agent and a marine biologist.

Watch the movie trailer here:

Read more about the movie here:

The movie screens in English with Russian subtitles.
The screening is free of charge.
475810411 672268488490989 3931519067914143898 nNarva Central Library American Space and the U.S. Embassy film series.

DreamWorks animation “The Sword in the Stone” 6+ (1963, 01:19 h). Saturday, February, 22, at 12:00 PM at Narva Central Library Malmi 8.

Arthur (aka Wart) is a young boy who aspires to be a knight's squire. On a hunting trip he falls in on Merlin, a powerful but amnesiac wizard who has plans for Wart beyond mere squiredom. He starts by trying to give Wart an education, believing that once one has an education, one can go anywhere. Needless to say, it doesn't quite work out that way.

Watch the movie trailer here:

Read more about the movie here:

The movie screens in Russian with English subtitles.
The screening is free of charge.
when harryNarva Central Library American Space and the U.S. Embassy film series. We are pleased to invite you to the screening of the film “When Harry Met Sally...“18+ (1989, 01:35).
Monday, February, 3, at 17:00 PM at Narva Central Library Malmi 8.

Harry and Sally meet when she gives him a ride to New York after they both graduate from the University of Chicago. The film jumps through their lives as they both search for love, but fail, bumping into each other time and time again. Finally, a close friendship blooms between them, and they both like having a friend of the opposite sex. But then they are confronted with the problem: "Can a man and a woman be friends, without sex getting in the way?"
Watch the movie trailer here:

Read more about the movie here:

The movie screens in English with Russian subtitles.
The screening is free of charge.

Инфоресурс Äripäev  

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Уважаемые читатели!  

logoКаждый первый понедельник месяца - День прощения читательской задолженности.


Компьютер для начинающих  

notebookНарвская центральная библиотека организует индивидуальные консультации по использованию компьютера.
Если Вы не знаете, как зайти в Интернет или как сохранить информацию, если у Вас возникли проблемы с электронной почтой или с компьютерной мышкой, не стесняйтесь, приходите в библиотеку!

ИТ-специалист проводит консультации в удобное для вас время по рабочим дням 10.00-17.00. На консультацию можете зарегистрироваться заранее по тел.          56 311 410

Технология 3-D печати  

3d printer costУзнай о 3D принтерах и 3D печати больше.
Приглашаем вас на бесплатные мастер-классы по 3D печати в инновационной лаборатории Маkеrlаb в Американском центре.
Регистрация по телефону: 55 35 377

Работа на лазерном резаке  

llУзнайте о лазерной резке и приёмах работы на станке!

Приглашаем вас на бесплатные мастер-классы по лазерной резке в инновационной лаборатории Маkеrlаb в Американском центре.

Регистрация по телефону: 56 311 410
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