“Guardians of the Galaxy” is a 2014 American film directed by James Gunn and Marvel Studios. The film follows space adventurer Peter Quill, who has stolen a coveted orb and is now on the run from a number of ruthless bounty hunters. To evade his enemies, Peter forms an uneasy alliance with Rocket, a gun-toting raccoon; Groot, a tree-like humanoid; the deadly assassin Gamora; and the revenge-driven Drax. When the true power of the orb is discovered, Peter and his ragtag band of misfits must fight a desperate battle that will decide the fate of the galaxy.
“Guardians of the Galaxy” has grossed approximately $774 million worldwide! It has been nominated for countless awards and has won such honors as the 2015 Critics Choice Award for Best Action Film and the 2015 Jupiter Award for Best International Actor, Chris Pratt. “Guardians of the Galaxy” has even been said to be the “best Marvel movie ever!” by Moviepilot.com.
Watch the movie trailer here
Read more about the movie here
The movie screens in English with Russian subtitles.
The screening is free of charge.