Narva Keskraamatukogu kaugtöökoht  

Narva Keskraamatukogu pakub kaugtöökoha ruumi, mis on sisustatud vastavalt kaasaja nõutele.

Lisainfo ja ruumi broneerimine: tel. 3592415 või

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Kõndimise trenažööri kasutamine  

Narva Keskraamatukogus 3. korrusel 
saab kasutada trenažööri.
Trenazööri võib kasutada alates 12+

20230307 133053


Uus mängutuba  

Narva Keskraamatukogu lasteosakonnas on avatud uus mängutuba, kus saab mõnusalt aega veeta.

2024 07 17 11 37 43 431




Narva Ameerika keskuse töö
Ameerika klubi
Conversation Club

Narva Ameerika teabepunkt avati 24. märtsil 2004 USA Suursaatkonnaga toetusel Narva Keskraamatukogus.
Narva Ameerika Keskus toimub koostöö keskraamatukogu külastajate
ja Ameerika Ühendriikide Suursaatkonna infokeskuse vahel.

Suursaatkond toetab läbi grandide raamatukogus asuvat Ameerika Keskust trükite ja audiovisuaalsete materjalidega Ameerika Ühendriikide kohta, ning kaasaegne infotehnoloogia.

Raamatukogu pakub erinevaid projekte ja ürituste osalemist Ameerika keskuses, et õppida tundma USA kultuuri erinevaid eluvaldkondi.
Keskuses toimuvad erinevad programmid ja tegevused, loengud, filmiesitlused, konverentsid, seminarid, töötoad, vestlusklubid, ingliskeelsed tunnid, TOEFL-i testid, ja palju muud.
Raamatukogu saab läbi grandide toetust ka sisustuste, arvutite ja IT
- valdkonna vahendite soetamisel.

Tere tulemast Ameerika keskuse inglise klubisse, selleks et laiendada oma silmaringi Ameerikast ja parandada oma suhtlemisoskust võõrkeeles.

G.L.O.B.E. programm

globeNarva Central Library and Narva American Space invited everyone interested in nature studies to get acquainted with G.L.O.B.E. measuring equipment. More info:

All the G.L.O.B.E. measuring equipment is permanently stored at Narva Central Library (Narva American Space).

If you have an interest in using or just studying it up, please, call this number +372 56 72 2007 and we will try to find the most convenient day and time for you.

Online Coding Course for Students (Edukoht)




Media literacy course for youth
"Summer with book"
"Basics of Computer Literacy 50+"
"MS Photo"

See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud.

Ameerika teabepunktid Eestis

American Space in Narva

Narva Central Library
Malmi 8, Narva 20308
Coordinator: Jekaterina Moisejeva
Phone: +372 5672 2007
See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud.
Facebook page:
Narva Central Library website:
Facebook page:

American Corner in Kuressaare

Saare County Central Library
Tallinna 6
93813 Kuressaare
AC Coordinator: Katrin Sepp
Phone: (372) 45 20 727
See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud.

Web site:

American Corner in Viljandi

Viljandi City Library
Tallinna mnt. 11/1
71012 Viljandi
AC Coordinator: Valli Tammsalu
Phone: (372) 43 38682
See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud.
Web site:

American Space at Tallinn Tech

MEKTORY building Raja 15,
Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 620 3543
Fax: +372 620 3546
See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud.

Jekaterina Moisejeva (Ameerika keskuse koordinaator)
Email:See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud.

413879813 416700750714432 3882399927626028418 nNarva Central Library American Space and the U.S. Embassy film series.

DreamWorks animation “Meet the Robinsons” (2007, 95 min. / 01:35). Saturday, January, 27, at 12:00 PM at Narva Central Library Malmi 8.

When an orphaned child genius named Lewis has his science fair project ruined by forces from the future he must join with a strange boy who claims to be from the future to steal his invention back, fix it and save a new-found family from a bleak future where mind control devices enslave the masses.

Watch the movie trailer here:

Read more about the movie here:

The movie screens in Russian with English subtitles.
The screening is free of charge.

413892682 416696550714852 1437947696684002830 nNarva Central Library American Space and the U.S. Embassy film series.
We are pleased to invite you to the screening of the film „ Cast Away “(2000, 143 min. / 02:23) on Monday, January 8, at 4:30 PM !!! at Narva Central Library, Malmi 8.

After FedEx systems engineer Chuck Noland is ripped out of his hasty life by the clock in a plane crash, he finds himself alone on the shores of a tropical island. First, frustration gets to him and then he realizes how little his chances are to ever get back to civilization. Four years later, Chuck has learned very well how to survive on his own: mending his dental health, catching fish with a spear, predicting the weather with a self-made calendar. A photograph of his girlfriend Kelly has kept his hopes alive all these years. Finally, Chuck takes the opportunity to take off for home: he sets off on a wooden raft with a sail that has washed ashore.

Watch the movie trailer here:
Read more about the movie here:

The movie screens in English with Russian subtitles.
The screening is free of charge.

happy feetNarva Central Library American Space and the U.S. Embassy film series.
DreamWorks animation “Happy Feet” (2006, 104 min. / 01:44). Saturday, Detsember, 16, at 12:00 PM at Narva Central Library Malmi 8.

Son of Memphis and Norma, little sweet penguin Mumble has a big problem: he can’t sing a single note. In a world where everyone needs a heart song to attract a soul mate, Mumble feels he doesn’t belong there. Our hero Mumble is the worst singer in the world, but he can tap dance brilliantly.

Watch the movie trailer here:
Read more about the movie here:

The movie screens in Russian with English subtitles.
The screening is free of charge.
mammaNarva Central Library American Space and the U.S. Embassy film series.

We are pleased to invite you to the screening of the film „ Mamma Mia! “(2008, 108 min. / 01:48) on Monday, Detsember 4, at 5:00 PM at Narva Central Library, Malmi 8.

Set on a colorful Greek island, the plot serves as a background for a wealth of ABBA songs. A young woman about to be married discovers that any one of three men could be her father. She invites all three to the wedding without telling her mother, Donna Sheridan (Meryl Streep), who was once the lead singer of Donna and the Dynamos. In the meantime, Donna has invited her back-up singers, Rosie Mulligan (Dame Julie Walters) and Tanya Wilkinson (Christine Baranski).

Watch the movie trailer here:
Read more about the movie here:

The movie screens in English with Russian subtitles.
The screening is free of charge.

Äripäeva teabevara  

Narva linna andmekaitsetingimused
EPR logo final

Head lugejad!  

logoViivisvabalt saab raamatuid tagastada raamatukokku iga kuu esimesel esmaspäeval!

3-D printimise töötuba  

3d printer costKui sa tahad teada,
kuidas töötavad 3D printerid,
siis tule Narva Keskraamatukogu
innovatsioonilaborisse MakerLab tasuta töötuppa!

Helista 55 35 377


Laserlõikuri töötuba  

llKui sa tahad teada, kuidas töötab laserlõikur, siis tule Narva Keskraamatukogu innovatsioonilaborisse MakerLab tasuta töötuppa!

Helista 56 311 410
© Narva Keskraamatukogu 2022