We’ve tried to cover the traditions of the holiday, some major facts about Halloween. The origins of the holiday, key-symbols, Halloween modern celebration – patrons re-discovered some “new old facts” about Halloween and were invited to ask questions. There were quizzes, costumes and trick-or-treating about Halloween and its celebration.
Manners and etiquette for children is ranked as the most important quality to nurture in the family home. Good Manners are essential for every child's self confidence and success in life. Super choreography, funniest act, decorations, activities, American music and songs, quiz help to have a super American party!

„Ameerika klubi“ Narva Keskraamatukogus
Narva Keskraamatukogu ja keeltekool Likool jätkavad „Ameerika klubi″ tegevust. 2014 aastal Kohtumised toimuvad hommikuti 2 korda kuus 2 tundi. Osavõtt on tasuta. Narva Keskraamatukogu Ameerika Nurgas (4 korrus).