1.Topic: Christmas and New Year. Get talking: Talking about plans for
Christmas and New Year celebrations. Talking about future plans for 2015
(Going to for future plans).
2. Topic: Asking and giving directions. Vocabulary: parts of a public
building; American English. Listening: A hotel guest asks directions.
Grammar: prepositions of movement. Get talking: Role-play: giving
directions to a visitor.
1.Topic: Food you like. Listening: three people talk about food they like.
Get talking: My favorite food. Traditional food for Christmas and New Year
2. Topic: Future plans. Vocabulary and speaking: verbs/nouns describing
changes in life. Reading: Stress free. Grammar: Going to for future plans.
Get talking: Talking about your plans.
1.Topic: Measurements. Numbers. Listening: A TV quiz show. Grammar:questions: How + adjective. Get talking: role -play: A TV quiz show.
2.Topic: Food you like. Vocabulary and speaking: countable uncountable nouns. Grammar: expressions of quantity. Get talking: Questionnaire: Sweet or savoury.